Spring Equinox

This year, 2022, the Spring Equinox falls on March 20th. To the Northern Hemisphere this day marks the height of Springtime and also marks the day that both the light and dark are equal, and marks the lengthening of light towards Solstice. A meaningful time for many traditions all over the world, this moment is a time to celebrate balance and equilibrium, and very importantly - rebirth. 

However, if you live in the Southern hemisphere,  this day marks the beginning of fall, when the leaves are now falling off the trees and returning to the earth in preparation for the winter. It is the time now that the light starts to fade, and you’re turned inwards towards creature comforts of a cozy home. 

Wherever you live, this day marks the start of a new season as the wheel of the year turns.

In the Witches’ wheel of the year, this day is also known as Ostara, and is one of the eight greater Sabbats (festivals commemorating phases of the changing seasons). The name originates from the Germanic lunar Goddess who is symbolized by the hare and the egg. The Goddess Ostara is associated with fertility, spring, flowers, renewal and rebirth - all things too associated with the Vernal Equinox. This is a very potent moment in the wheel of the year to plant seeds, both literally and metaphorically for what we want to grow/bloom/harvest in the upcoming seasons. It is also a time to reflect and honour what we have moved through since the Winter Solstice. 

We are taking this day to call in the Hare and invite you to join us!

The Hare is an animal that invites motion and movement. Along with all the beautiful new growth and life Springtime brings, it can also be a heavy time for us while we shake off the last bit of Winter. If this feels like it fits, take a clue from Hare and get moving. A beautiful way to welcome in the Spring at home is to go for a walk, clean out your closet and your cupboards - donate what you do not need anymore. 

I often ponder on the term spring cleaning… Why do we say that? Well.. perhaps this is where it came from - an old tradition passed down through the ages that used to be connected with ritual and celebration of the Goddess. I like to think about this as I gear up to clean up and clear out. I also like to think of what I would like to call in with all this new space I have created. 

Fertility can come in many forms, and I love that it can show up as a new creative idea, a beautiful bloom in a garden, a new leaf on a rubber plant, and new life in a belly. 

As we move towards the bountifulness of summer, tend your seeds and breath in excitement and anticipation of what may manifest this year.

Happy Equinox <3


Sacred Roots with elé de posson


Herring Magic